Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"This Tonado Loves You"

In the song “This Tornado Loves You,” Neko Case uses the symbols and archetypes of death, Love, and nature to express the theme of Destructive Love. According to Anthony Stevens in Ariadne’s Clue, He explains that, “Fear that an attachment bond may be under threat can result in anger and aggression, as well as anxiety, while low or attachment figure is associated with grief, despair, depression, and sometimes suicides” (48). Furthermore, human nature is compassionate; “to recover a loved one who has been carried there is a supreme act of sacrifice;” displaying the bond of human attachment (Stevens, 50).  Additionally, humans have become overly obsessed with love results in the destruction “of the self as an individual,” resulting in the confrontation that “it is the inevitable that people should wish [death]” (Stevens,168).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Last Image

I couldn't make up my mind on a single photo, so here it is...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ariadne's Clue Quotes

Interesting: "Every component of the human brain, like each gene responsible for its construction, is there for one reason: it enabled our ancestors to survive long enough in the ancestral environment to pass their genes on to the nest generation." (pg 28)

Insightful: "Our capacities to create words and symbols and our ability to communicate by means of them developed the rapid evolution of the human brain as a result of an increased selection pressures coming from a largely hostile environment--ice ages, the presence of determined and skilful predators, scarce food resources, droughts, floods, etc." (pg. 27)

Confusing: "Just as the rising sun banishes darkness from the world, so the mythic hero emerges from the stomach of the whale, the ego struggles free from the grip of the unconscious, the boy liberates himself from his emotional dependency on his mother" (pg37)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Recent Dream

A recent dream I’ve had was about hair. Within the dream I saw several types of my own hair, like curly, some that I do not have in real life. I remember trying to figure out what kind of style to have; the decision was hard.  Even though it seemed it was hard to figure out the style of hair, I was not able to finish the dream, for I was woken up before it had ended.